
Portrait picture

I am a researcher in robotics, interested in making autonomous robots more robust and trustworthy. I am currently a starting researcher in the WILLOW research group at Inria Paris. Until February 2024, I was a postdoc at the University of Toronto in the Robotics Institute, working with Timothy D. Barfoot on certifiably optimal state estimation. Before that, I obtained my Ph.D. in the AudioVisual Communications Laboratory (LCAV) at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the supervision of Martin Vetterli and Adam Scholefield, working on non-visual spatial perception.


Last update: June 5, 2024.

June 2024 We have created a Summary paper of our latest research on certifiably optimal estimation. It is intended as an entry point for anyone who wants to learn about this topic and for an overview of our recent advances in the area.

May 2024 Very grateful to be in this year’s cohort of RSS Pioneers!

May 2024 I am delighted to begin my new appointment as starting researcher in the WILLOW research group at Inria Paris, where I will be working with Justin Carpentier, Stéphane Caron and an amazing team of robotics/optimization researchers and engineers.

March 2024 - April 2024 I had the opportunity to visit the lab of Nicolas Boumal, EPFL, and Sylvain Calinon, IDIAP, Switzerland, giving talks about our work at both institutes, and getting to know a lot of cool new research! Thank you for hosting me!

March 2024 Our full-day workshop on Frontiers of optimization for robotics was accepted for RSS 2024. Looking forward to a great lineup of speakers and a day full of interesting discussions!

November 2023 What a pleasure to be presenting our latest research at MIT, Harvard and Northeastern University in Boston! The recording from my talk at MIT is available here and the slides are available here. Thank you to everyone for hosting me!

September 2023 More pre-prints of our brilliant students now available! Zi Cong (Daniel) Guo’s work on Koopman SLAM is available here and Abhishek Goudar’s work on certifiable range-only pose estimation is available here.

August 2023 So grateful to speak at this wonderful 2-day anniversary celebration of “Signal Processing and Friends” organized by my former lab, LCAV, EPFL Switzerland. Also, presented our latest research at Aude Billard’s LASA lab at EPFL. Slides available here.

August 2023 Two new pre-prints of our latest work are now available on arXiv. Our work on automatically tightening semidefintie relaxations can be found here and Connor Holmes work on tightness of matrix-weighted SLAM relaxations can be found here.

March 2023 I gave a talk about our latest research in the Toronto AI in Robotics (AIR) Seminar. The recording is available here. Thank you for having me!

February 2023 Our research on echolocation on drones and wheeled robots was featured in the New Scientist, TechXplore, netzwoche, popsci and engadget. Great to see this much interest in bat-like robots!

January 2023 Thank you to the bitcraze team for inviting me to write a blogpost about the Crazybat project!

December 2022 Our paper (also available on arXiv) on certified range-only localization was accepted to RA-L! Happy to present it at the upcoming IROS conference in Detroit in October 2023.

October 2022: I will be presenting our RA-L paper on audible echolocation on small robots (aka the Crazybat project) at IROS 2022 in Kyoto.

August 2022: We submitted our paper on certified range-only continuous-time localization to RA-L.

June 2022: We published a preprint on certified robust line fitting, a good way to learn about certifiable algorithms on a deceivingly simple problem!

December 2021: I received the Postdoc.Mobility grant for a 2-year postdoc with Tim Barfoot at UofT, starting in March 2022.

November 2021: I successfully defended my PhD thesis.

May 2020: We presented our paper at ICASSP 2020.

May 2020: I received the Google Women Techmakers Scholarship in Computer Science.

May 2020: We presented our paper at ICRA 2020.

April 2020: I joined EPFL’s first online hackathon as a mentor for students working on projects to help combat Covid19.